• LOGO
  • MARS

  • L O G O   &   M E A N I N G

    1. Shield The Shield symbolizes a strong foundation for educators in guiding their students to grow in 4C (Competence, Conscience, Compassion, and Commitment) and 1L, as well as being a place where students develop themselves in the spirit of 4C.
    2. The Cross Symbolizes Christian spirit which is the foundation and special character of the Canisius College.
    3. 1927 The year of the founding of Canisius College.
    4. AMDG The abbreviation "Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam" means fighting for the greater glory of God.
    5. Blue The color of Marian symbolizes the College of Canisius to have a strong devotion to Our Lady. Striving to create sensitive and caring students.
    6. Orange Colors that symbolize the enthusiasm, strength, and passion of the youth.
    By : Nicholas Radhitya Gunawisesa / XIA6 /28